Why I Do What I Do.

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'." -Gen 2:18 (NIV)


Dear Sweet Summer...

Arizona Iced Tea, wind-blown hair, Grease & Footloose playing loud, and constant swimming. These are a few of the things that lace my current summer. Yes, I keep a swinging job at a local grocery where the old men wink at me from under their fishing caps & the under-aged try to flirt, usually ending in a chuckle on my end and a bruised ego on theirs. I haven't written a thing in months and my poor little head is spinning with ideas. But mostly, I just feel like sharing what makes my summer (and summers) a true party...even if I never leave town.

A sweet summer night and naught to do....go lake swimming slash star-gazing, but don't forget your fresh strawberries!

Or during the day, plan a legit picnic. Blanket, basket, and oh, some music...

Wine Baskets Ordered?
 Though, throughout the summer, one thing has always held me captive....Berry-picking. What a wonderful date followed by a jump into a beautiful lake?

A Drive-In movie is always good! Followed by burgers & shakes. Make sure to wear a cute dress &Toms are just too comfy to leave at home!

Summer is fulled with many wonderful things to do. Some absolutely free & others rather pricy. Whatever you chose to spend your sweet time doing...spend it with sweet people. People make the memories.


It Cut Me In Two. Ouch.

Well, well, well, this silly little blog cut my great zinger of a message in two.


The Art of Catching: Part One

As all intelligent souls know and understand, there are ways to 'ask people out' and ways to sweep people off their feet. The latter is preferred. Unfortunately, many of this weak generation have lost the zing of the romantical adventure called 'wooing'. This is a terrifying word and a slightly strange one. People, especially teens usually start laughing and snorting when they hear this or they shrug and say, 'Uhhh..'. Thus, I shall term this term: 'catching'.

Long ago, back in the day when people knew how to Catch....

A young gentleman with prospects and a mind towards a good future calls upon the lady (not the other way around) but never without the consent of the father. If the father liked the young man, he would tell the soon-to-be caller something along the following: 'Yes, you may court my daughter, start here in my home, and then we progress slowly.' The young man (yearning for the father's respect) nods, and then shakes his hand.

He then asks the girl (probably on the way home from a church picnic or a church service), "Would you do me the honour of seeing me?" Or something similar to that.

Now, before we sprout ahead, I need to refresh your young twenty first century mind to the ideals of courtship. Courtship has different meanings and different faces. Especially according to the age it’s in.

Then: Courtship was the 'dating' of the times. The young man would save and prepare himself for supporting a family. He would approach the father and request the daughter. Now, this wasn't trivial. Courtship was (and still is in the mind) to be approaching marriage. The scary M word of our society. He would then ask the girl (if the father had given permission) if she was interested. If she said yes, they would meet in public settings, and progress like snails (usually & if everything was proper).

Now: We have dating as the norm, but a few select folks use the ancient methods of courtship (now, as a typical matchmaker, I yearn for the romantic. Courtship if simply more romantic than date-ing. Which makes me think of shriveled fruits.