Why I Do What I Do.

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'." -Gen 2:18 (NIV)


Heather VanHofflespiffersmitchbaumgartner and John Doe= True Love

                Knock. Knock. The sounds resounded on the office door and I knew it to be either my newest secretarial endeavor (Bob Chang, a young Chinese man studying Personal Management at Maryville University with Brady Griffith) or my latest client. I was hoping it was my latest client because I needed some more money to find my latest exciting person pleasure.  (I’m buying Pluto and registering it as a legit planet).

                I was in luck. In walked Heather VanHofflespiffersmitchbaumgaurtner, a tilted German woman with hair the length of Victoria Falls. She was in need of an Australian Mate.

Heather VanHofflespiffersmitchbaumgartner
 “Only for 67 grand, sister, my price; take it or leave.”  
                “Okay, sounds like a dealio.” I took note of her sixties lingo. She pranced out with a fake limp and I pulled out my owl-stricken Mac book.

                I Googled Hot Australian Men and bingo Heather VanHofflespiffersmitchbaumgaurtner has two very perfect possibilities. (Hugh Jackmen and Val Kilmer in a batsuit)

Time to arrange another party. Where was this one to be? Probably my newest residence (Down Under) and I'd throw a Kangeroo Hunt.....

To Be Continued......