Why I Do What I Do.

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'." -Gen 2:18 (NIV)


I (Heart) Vintage

Every year growing up, I would promise myself I'd learn to sew. Time after time, summer after summer, I put off the task of educating myself in the ways of the seamstress. Now I am an old gal of eighteen and cannot sew hardly a button. Though I do like to dream and drool over other people's tasteful creations.

So, sit back and help yourself to some chai and please, enjoy this small slideshow of what I would sew "If" I could sew.

Shop Reinvintage

Talk about some style. 
Check out Modcloth & Enjoy!

I give full permission for you
to buy this for me!

Pretty Sassy Stuff
Lace Affairs

And last but not least, a true vintage clothing store all at your finger tips. Only the darn site wouldn't let me advertise! Free advertising and still no takers. Hahaha.

Please, enjoy, and end me all the cute dresses you want!

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