Why I Do What I Do.

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'." -Gen 2:18 (NIV)


What A Romantic Terms a Good Wear

I am a woman and therefore, love shoes. I love the look more than the feel of them on my feet though. Sometimes I go on sprees and find shoes that make me drool.

For the British-Loving Women:

 For those Secret Agents:

The Delicate Girl:

Sport-Dinner Party:

The Flirt:

The Nerdette:

The Vintage Woman:
The Gardener Girl:

Show Biz Babe:

Wild Child:

The Weirdo (:)

Why, is All I can Ask?
The Idea is Amazing Naught My Favourite Style:

Laurel's Top Picks:

And A Special Thanks to my Dedicated Secretary: An Li, who designed the majority of these shoes*
*Entirely Fictional


  1. You run through these Asian secretarys very quickly...
    My favorite are Nerdette and mustache. What is it about shoes that makes them so attractive?!

  2. Gardener is the perfect one! Sport-Dinner party... just not seeing it.

  3. This is an adorable 'blogette' as you term it. Excellent doodles, dear fellow blogger. Ps. I agree Stephy, the Gardener is perfect.

  4. Is it wrong that the "Flirt" pair of shoes is my favorite? ;-)

  5. Personally, I find shoes a nuisance.
